How do we form new words? And some new things

Hello everyone again! - hia dukan dahi!

So only two days from Atlas publication, and the feedback I am getting is already very positive. So thank you everyone for your support.

Any questions, suggestions... or things you do not like, do not understand... you can always write me:

Even if you have new words, do not hesitate to send them to me, I will include them in the dictionary.


How do we form new words?

1) see whether the word you are using is already in the dictionary (CTRL+B/F). Remember, only one form of the word is normally present, so if you cannot find live, try to look for life. If you cannot find free, try for freedom. If you cannot find drove, try drive, etc.

2) If it is not, you will need to add it, so try to think of its base root. The base root is the root containing the majority of the meaning, and it will go to the right. For instance, if we are thinking of a hospital and it was not in the dictionary, we would start by thinking that hospital is a building, so look for the building root (bax). If we were thinking of an animal, maybe take the animal root (hewan), or if we are thinking about a process, look for its root (cal). Have a look again to the right in the dictionary, see if any derived words have already the meaning you are looking for. It it is not, use the root in order to form your new word. Remember, you can combine the base root with:
- prepositions
- other roots.
- numbers

So for instance, if "hospital" did not exist and you had selected bax as your main root, another root that could be used in order to complete its meaning is ger ("heal"). so we have gerbax as a root (heal-building). Remember to add the final morpheme.

3) What if no base root is adequate? We have to make the effort of developing the language with just over 500 roots. Of course at some point a few more will have to be added, but only as a very last resource.
If this is the case, look for a translation in one of the 16 languages. You will have to take the following into account:
- do not use base roots already in use.
- 1 syllable roots preferred, 2 syllables maximum.
- Easy pronunciation preferred, and of course take into account the Atlas Phonology.
- CVC. or CVCVC (for 2 syllables) preferred.
- if possible, give priority with those languages with less roots.

So this is how he form words, if you have one, please send it to:

What will come next? I have added a text and videos section. You will find some texts translated into Atlas, and very soon you will find some videos.

It is a pleasure as well to share with you an Atlas dictionary that Tommen has made. You need JAVA to run it, and will be able to translated both into English or Spanish. Thank you Tommen!

Atlas JAVA dictionary - By Tommus

I will see you soon. Probably this week we will see another text and possibly the first video, so keep visiting and remember that you have my e-mail address for any doubts.

Cia dakan! - Bye everyone!


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